I'm filing my organization's last return. Should I do any additional reporting along with Form 990-EZ?
122 views | Last modified 4/5/2024 6:35:48 AM EST |

Applicable To
990-PF 990-N 990-EZ 990 8868 1120-POL

If your filing your organization's final return which is either going out of business or disposing of more than 25% of its net assets through sale, exchange, or other disposition, then you must attach Schedule N along with the annual information return (Form 990-EZ or Form 990).

In addition to this, if an organization has undergone liquidation, termination, dissolution, or a merger into a successor organization, then it must file and attach Schedule N along with Form 990-EZ.

The Schedule N will be generated automatically if required while filing your Form 990-EZ using the "Interview-Based" filing in Tax990. The Schedule N will be made available to you depending upon the information you enter in your Form 990-EZ using the "Form-Based" filing in Tax990.

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