How to fix the audit errors in my CA Form 199?
431 views |Last modified 12/31/2024 5:45:27 AM EST |
Follow the explanations shared below for each error code that notifies you to fix while filing Form CA-199.
Error code |
Error Message |
F199-020 | APE [TaxPeriodEndDate] cannot be earlier than APB [TaxPeriodBeginDate] |
F199-030 | APB [TaxPeriodBeginDate] cannot be later than the current date |
F199-035 | Tax period end date is greater than the current date. The IRS will process the return once the tax period ends. |
F199-040 | APE [TaxPeriodEndDate] cannot be more than 366 days past APB [TaxPeriodBeginDate] |
F199-050 | [TaxPeriodBeginDate] cannot be later than 12/31/2019 if the [Timestamp] is greater than 12/31/2020. |
F199-060 | APB [TaxPeriodBeginDate], APE [TaxPeriodEndDate], and California corporation number [CACorporationNumber] and FEIN [FEIN] cannot match a previously accepted return unless the Superseded [SupersededReturn] or Amended [AmendedReturn] checkbox is checked "Yes". |
F199-065 | [TaxPeriodBeginDate] cannot be earlier than 01/01/2019 |
F199-070 | If Form 199, Question D [Dissolved], [Surrendered], or [Merged] is checked "Yes", then the final return date [DispositionDate] must be present. If [DispositionDate] is present, then question D [Dissolved], [Surrendered], or [Merged] must be checked. |
F199-071 | If Form 199, Question G [SubordinatesAffiliatesGrpFiling] is checked "Yes", then the Subordinate Listing [CA-SubordinateAffiliateListing] must be attached. Listing [CA-SubordinateAffiliateListing] must be attached. |
F199-072 | If Form 199, Question K [ExemptUnderSection23701g] is checked "Yes", then Nonmember Gross Receipts [NonmemberGrossReceipts] must be present. |
F199-073 | Sorry for the inconvenience. We currently do not support Form FTB 3509 (Political or Legislative Activities by Section 23701d Organizations). Please check back later. |
PMT-020 | If the [CA-Payment] document is present, then the Account Period Ending Date [AccountPeriodEnd] on your Return Payment request must match the Tax Period End Date [TaxPeriodEndDate] in the Return Header [CA-ReturnHeader]. |
PMT-050 | The Electronic Funds Withdrawal (EFW) date requested [RequestedDate] must not exceed 1 year from the date the return was received |
PMT-070 | The e-file system has identified your payment as a duplicate. The Date Requested [RequestedDate], Payment Type [PaymentType], Amount [Amount], Bank Account Number [AccountNumber], California corporation number [CACorporationNumber], SOS number [SOSNumber], or LLC temp number [LLCTempNumber], FEIN [FEIN] and Account Period End [AccountPeriodEnd] match a previously accepted payment |
F199-074 | Filing fee should be 0, 10 or 25. |
F199-075 | California corporation number cannot be blank. |
F199-076 | California corporation number should start with alphabet 'C' followed by 7 digit numbers. |
F199-077 | Accounting Method cannot be blank. |
F199-078 | Question G checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-079 | Question H checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-080 | Question I checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-081 | Question J checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-082 | Question K checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-084 | Question L checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-085 | Question M checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-086 | Question N checkbox "Yes" or checkbox "No" must be checked. |
F199-087 | Signing Authority details needs to be completed. |
F199-088 | Part I - line 5 cost of goods sold must be greater than 0 or it must be blank. |
F199-089 | Parent's Name is Invalid, Do not enter adjacent spaces. |
F199-090 | In Question H, Parent's Name is Invalid, Do not enter special characters. |
F199-091 | Form 199 Part I Total gross receipts cannot be empty. |
CUSTOM -Audit | California Corporation Number must have a value. |
CUSTOM-05 | Question L checkbox \"Yes\" or checkbox \"No\" must be checked. |
CUSTOM-06 | Question M checkbox \"Yes\" or checkbox \"No\" must be checked. |
CUSTOM-07 | Question N checkbox \"Yes\" or checkbox \"No\" must be checked. |
CUSTOM-08 | Question O checkbox \"Yes\" or checkbox \"No\" must be checked. |
CUSTOM-Audit | We don't support CA 199 for the Tax Year 2018. |
CUSTOM-001 | All the fields in the Part II Line 6 Statement must be completed. |
CUSTOM-002 | All the fields in the Part II Line 9 Statement must be completed. |
CUSTOM-003 | All the fields in the Part II Line 11 Statement must be completed. |
CUSTOM-004 | If Part II Header Checkbox is checked, then 990 series return must be uploaded in the return |
CUSTOM-05 | Tax Period beginning date must be within the tax year. |
CUSTOM-09 | Form CA-199 Organization address must be completed in the return. |
CA-001 | Currently we support only paper filing option for state Form 199 i.e. you need to download, print and send the form to state Agency. |

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