Are political organizations required to file Form 990?
149 views | Last modified 4/24/2024 6:13:03 AM EST |

The political organizations are required to file Form 990/Form 990-EZ when they meet the following conditions. 

  • A tax-exempt political organization that has gross receipts of $25,000 or more for the current tax year (Unless it meets one of the exceptions for certain political organizations under Section B of Form 990 instructions).
  • Qualified state or political organization that has gross receipts of $100,000 or more. 

However, a tax-exempt political organization is not required to file Form 990 under certain conditions as follows.

  • If it is not required to file Form 8871 (including an organization required to file as a political committee with the FEC) or
  • If it is a caucus or association of state or local officials.

Click here to learn more about what political organizations need to know about Form 990 filing.

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