How to fix the audit errors in my Form 1120-POL?
480 views |Last modified 12/31/2024 5:49:37 AM EST |

Follow the explanations shared below for each error code that notifies you to fix while filing Form 1120-POL.

Error Code Error Message                                                         
FA-366 Signing Authority details must be completed.
FA-367 IRS Payment details must be completed. 
FA-368 Since you've indicated that excise tax based on investment income is owed to the IRS, you must enter information on how the payment will be made under “Excise Tax Based on Investment Income.
FA-375 IRS Process only last three years returns.
FA-381 Books Are In Care Of details must be completed
CUSTOM-01 Tax Period beginning date must be within the tax year
FA-613 If you are a CPA user, CPA details must be completed.
FA-004 Please enter a valid zip code.
FA-001 The organization's name must not be left empty.
FA-002 The State field must not be left empty. 
FA-003 The Country field must not be left empty.
FA-011 Please enter a valid Phone Number.
FA-357 You will not be able to efile your form due to the IRS name change restrictions, however you can continue with this return. You will be able to generate a complete 1120-POL document and file it by mail with the IRS.
FA-358 The short period return can only be e-filed if it is an “Initial Return” or “Final Return”. If it doesn’t satisfy these both conditions, then you need to paper file the return to the IRS.
FA-359 You cannot e-file Form 1120-POL for short Tax year, unless it is an initial return or a final return, instead you can paper file Form 1120-POL.
FA-360 Tax period end date is greater than the current date. The IRS will process the return once the tax period ends.
FA-361 Tax Exempt status cannot be blank.
FA-362 In the Form 1120-POL, if foundation is a Section 501(c), then Line Net investment income amount must have a value
FA-363 In the Form 1120-POL, if foundation is not a Section 501(c), then Line Net investment income amount must not have a value
FA-364 In the Form 1120-POL, if foundation is a Section 501(c), then Line Exempt amount must have a value
FA-365 In the Form 1120-POL, if foundation is not a Section 501(c), then Line Exempt amount must not have a value





















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