How to fix the audit errors in my Form 990-T?
386 views |Last modified 12/31/2024 5:36:11 AM EST |

Follow the explanations shared below for each error code that notifies you to fix while filing Form 990-T.

Error code Error Message                                                   
FA-026 Unfortunately, we do not support Form 1116 and Form 1118 for Form 990-T at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-616 Currently, We do not support Form 8941 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-617 Currently, We do not support Form 2439 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-618 Currently, We do not support Form 851 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-619 Parent corporation's EIN should not be the same as the organization's EIN.
FA-620 If Item K is checked "yes", then Parent corporation details must be present in return.
FA-621 Currently we do not support Form 1116 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-622 Currently, We do not support Form 1118 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience
FA-623 Currently we do not support Forms 8834 or 8912 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-624 Currently we do not support Form 3800 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-625 Currently we do not support Forms 8801 or 8827 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-626 Currently we do not support Form 8941 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-627 Currently we do not support Form 2439 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-628 Currently we do not support Form 4136 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-629 Currently we do not support Form 2220 for Form 990 T. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-630 If Form 990 T Part IV Line 1 is checked "yes", then Part IV lIne 2 "yes" or "no" must be checked.
FA-631 Unrelated Business activity code must be present in Schedule A- @@iteration
FA-632 Currently we do not support Form 8990 at this time for the Form 990 T ScheduleA - @@iteration. Sorry for the inconvenience.
FA-633 If Name and EIN has a value in Part VI ScheduleA - @@iteration, then Column 5 or Column 10 must have a value.
FA-634 If Name of the officers has a value in Part X ScheduleA - @@iteration, then remaining columns must be completed.
FA-635 If Schedule A (Form 990-T), ConsolidatedPeriodical inAdvertisingIncmPeriodicalGrp is checked, then Schedule must be present in the return
FA-636 If Form 990-T Schedule A - @@iteration Part II Line 7 has a value greater than zero, then Form 4562 must be present in the return
FA-639 If Form 990-T Schedule A - @@iteration ,Part I Line 4b is greater than zero, then Form 4797 must be present in the return.
FA-640 If your organization is other than corporation and Part II Line 5 is greater than zero, then 1041 Schedule I must have a value in the return.
FA-641 If your organization is 501 c Corporation and Schedule A - @@iteration Part I Line 4a has a value more than zero, then 1120 Schedule D must be present in the return.
FA-642 If 990-T Part-II Line 2 has a value, then Tax rate schedule or 1041 Schedule D checkbox in Line 2 must be checked in the return.
FA-643 If Form 990-T Part IV Line 4a is checked "yes", then Part IV line 4b "yes" or "no" must be checked.
FA-644 If Schedule A - @@iteration Part VIII Line 1 Consolidated basis checkbox is checked, then Exploited activity - Consolidated basis statement must be present in the return
FA-645 If Schedule A - @@iteration Part III Line 1 has a value, then Opening inventory statement must be present in the return.

You've selected a short tax year. You can't e-file Form 990-PF for a short tax year unless this is the initial or final return. If the organization needs to file a short year and it is not the initial or final return, you must paper file.

FA-117 Item A - The tax period end date should not be after the current date
FA-386 "You have selected a short tax period. Please confirm before filing to the IRS";
FA-571 In Item F, if the Amended return checkbox is selected, then the reason for amendment should be provided.
FA-409 Signature details must be completed in the form
FA-389 Item G - Form of organization is required. Please select the required checkbox.
FA-488 Books are in care of details must be completed
CUSTOM-10 All the fields in the Address of the organization must have a value
CUSTOM-16 Name of Organization must have a value.
CUSTOM-08 If Item G is checked other than 501(c) Corporation, the Part II Line 2 must have a value.
CUSTOM-08 If Item G is checked other than 501(c) Corporation or State college/university, Part II Line 2 must have a value.
CUSTOM-01 Item B - Tax exempt status must have a value in the return.
CUSTOM-22 Schedule A Business activity code is same for more than one unrelated business.
CUSTOM-11 If Form4797 - @@iteration any of the columns in Part I Line 2 has a value, then remaining columns must be completed
CUSTOM-02 If Form 4562 - @@iteration Line 6 Column A has a value, then remaining columns must have a value."
CUSTOM-03 If Form 4562 - @@iteration Type of property has a value in Line 26, then remaning columns must be completed.
CUSTOM-04 If Form 4562 - @@iteration Type of property has a value in Line 27, then remaning columns must be completed.
CUSTOM-05 If Form 4562 - @@iteration Line 30 has a value for any of the columns in section B, then lines 31 through 36 must be completed for that corresponding columns
CUSTOM-06 If Description for the amortization for Form 4562 - @@iteration line 42 has a value, then the remanining must be completed
CUSTOM-07 If Business or Trade name in Form 8995 Line 1 has a value, then remaining columns must be completed
CUSTOM-09 Form 8995 must have a value.
CUSTOM-12 Unfortunately we do not support Form 2439 (Notice to Shareholder of Undistributed Long-Term Capital Gains) for Form 990-T at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
CUSTOM-13 Unfortunately we do not support Form 8941 (Credit for Small Employer Health Insurance Premiums) for Form 990-T at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
CUSTOM-14 Unfortunately, we do not support these forms 4255 , 8611, 8697 & 8866 for Form 990-T at this time. Sorry for the inconvenience.
CUSTOM-17 If your organization type is 501(c) corporation, then 8995 should not be present in your return.
CUSTOM-18 If your organization type is 501(c) corporation, then 1041 Schedule I should not be present in your return
CUSTOM-19 If your organization type is 501(c) corporation, then 1041 Schedule D should not be present in your return


If your organization type is other than 501(c) corporation, then 1120 Schedule D should not be present in your return
If 1120 Schedule D has a value, then any of Schedule A Part I Line 4a Column A must have a value greater than zero.
If 1041 Schedule D has a value, then any of Schedule A Part I Line 4a Column A must have a value greater than zero.
CUSTOM-23 If any of the lines in Form 990-T Schedule A ( " + schAIteration + " of " + schACount + ") Part IV Line 1 (A-D) has a value, then their corresponding columns A -D must be completed.
CUSTOM-21 Tax Period beginning date must be within the tax year.
CUSTOM-23 For Form 990-T Item I,Unfortunately, We do not support Form 851 at this time for the Form 990 T.Sorry for the inconvenience.
CUSTOM-23 Form 990-PF Part III Line 6 Other Form Information - If any of the columns has a value, then remaining columns must be completed.



































































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