Is there a way to export the records with errors?
144 views | Last modified 4/11/2024 6:22:22 AM EST |

Applicable To
990-PF 990-N 990-EZ 990 8868 1120-POL

Yes. Tax990 provides you with an option to export all your records with errors.

  • In Schedule B, Click the Bulk Upload button.

  • From the Bulk Upload tab, click Download Template, update the required information in the template and save the file without changing the file name. 
  • Now, drag and drop the file in the required field and click Upload. Once the file is uploaded, the number of records available in the file will be available for preview.

  • Proceed to the next screen and access the Error Log tab to view error records. To export an error record, simply click on the Export Error button. The error record file will then be downloaded.

This error file will have the data in the same column names and ordering sequence as the original imported file. You can address the errors and make the corrections directly in this file. Once done, you must re-upload the file to import the data.

An alternate way to download the Export Error file is, from the Dashboard, click the 990 Series and choose the required tax year and organization name. Click Bulk Upload Errors link.


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