What information can I amend in a 990-PF return?
283 views |Last modified 4/5/2024 7:15:47 AM EST |

Applicable To
990-PF 990-N 990-EZ 990 8868 1120-POL

You can amend all the information in your original 990-PF form except the organization's EIN. To alter your 990-PF form, the IRS should accept the originally filed form. 

To edit the information in your amended form, click the edit icon in a particular section to begin amending the information.  

If you originally filed your form 990-PF with Tax990, all of the field values from the original form will be copied to the amended form after you click the Amend this Return option. You just click the edit option under the required section, edit the information, and transmit it to the IRS.

If you filed the original 990-PF form with other service providers, you could still amend the return in Tax990. Enter all the information again and transmit it to the IRS.

Follow the below instructions to amend the 990-PF if you file the original return with Tax990:

  • Sign in to your Tax990 account.
  • From the Dashboard, click 990 Series. Select the Organization Name from the drop-down, and the federal return 990 series forms will be displayed.

  • Now, click the Amend this Return option. The original form values filed will be auto-filled in the amended return form. Other than Organization’s EIN, you can edit all other information. You just click the edit option under the required section, edit the information, and transmit it to IRS.

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