How to report the benefits paid to members in Form 990-EZ?
1.3k views |Last modified 11/3/2024 11:59:10 PM EST |

Applicable To
990-PF 990-N 990-EZ 990 8868 1120-POL

Benefits are generally non-wage compensation provided by organizations for employees in addition to their normal wages or salaries.

Reporting Benefits paid to members with Tax 990’s Interview-Based Filing 

Under the Expenses section, select 'Start' next to the Benefits Paid to or for Members and answer the relevant questions.

Reporting Benefits paid to members with Tax 990’s Form-Based Filing

To report the benefits paid to members with Tax 990 using the form-based filing style, go to Part I, Line 11 of the Expenses section. Here, enter the value of benefits paid to or for members by your organization for the current tax year.

Note : Do not include the cost of employment-related benefits such as health insurance, life insurance, or disability insurance provided by the organization to its officers, directors, trustees, key employees, and other employees.

To know how to report benefits while filing Form 990, click here.

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